Accident Advice Helpline Relaunch Resolusion Claims Platform
on: May 28, 2009, 3:44 am
Author: Richard Robins
Industry: Law
Advice Helpline (AAH), the UK's largest Claims Management Company,
has announced the re-launch of 'Resolusion', the fast track personal
injury service.
move follows the acquisition of Resolusion from Elision Group
- the specialist technology company who developed the system -
to set an industry standard for faster and more cost-effective
claims settlement in line with the Ministry of Justice claims
process reforms.
Resolusion system has already demonstrated significant cost savings
to both insurers and litigant solicitors following extensive pilot
testing over the last 2 years with leading personal injury law
firms and insurers, and will change the landscape of personal
injury claims by significantly reducing 3rd party costs and
settlement times.
on the launch, Darren Werth - Managing Director of Accident
Advice Helpline said, "The re-launch of the Resolusion
platform will help proposed MOJ reforms in streamlining the claims
process and provide cost savings to both insurers and personal
injury law firms. We are planning to run some of our own claims
through the system during the next few months and prove that the
claimant still receives access to justice, still using lawyers
where appropriate and still ensuring adequate compensation and
medical assessment at a lesser cost and time."
innovative part of the Resolusion service will be the initial
medical assessment process, originally designed by Health &
Case Management Limited (HCML) and Professor Mansel Aylward, and
already used for medical assessments for the DWP Pathways to Work
programme. The screening process immediately reduces the need
for expensive Medical Reports and associated referral fees, and
allows for the early use of rehabilitation where appropriate.
Werth added, "The MOJ claims process reforms are here and
we believe the Resolusion platform and service is crucial to the
insurers if they are to meet these proposals, we have approached
a number of insurers whose claims we capture on a daily basis
and with them we hope to be able to lead the change in how personal
injury claims are settled".
Accident Advice Helpline
Accident Advice Helpline was established in 2000 following the
removal of legal aid to accident victims with personal injury
cases. The company was founded to provide access to justice for
accident victims and, since its creation, has helped thousands
of people claim compensation against the responsible parties.
on a no
win, no fee basis, the injury
compensation specialist is the UK's leading company of its
kind and prides itself on quick and effective claims processing
with high quality service and an admirable success rate. The level
of customer satisfaction which Accident Advice Helpline is known
for is characterised by television star Esther Rantzen's continued
support for the company, which she has steadily provided since
Contact Details: Accident Advice Helpline PR
Richard Robins
Digital VP
Accident Advice House
Merrion Avenue
0208 416 2000